We are an all-volunteer nonprofit.

All our content is free.

The Community Veterans Project (CVP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is web-based. We believe that if PTS/TBI is recognized early there is a better chance of altering the usual downward trajectory observed with many so affected veterans. The CVP neither seeks nor accepts government subsidies. We exist solely through the generous support of individuals.

See our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHg2FNHVkpMQG5judELm51A

See our Minds Channel: https://www.minds.com/communityvetsproject

Click here to see our IRS Exempt Organization status


"Becoming Themselves Again"

Click on the above link to read an article that appeared in Living City Magazine about the Community Veterans Project.


Warrior Feature

Click on the link above to read an article about our co-founder Chaplain Dave Walker.


Our Philosophy: Learn. Act. Help.

For some time, veterans and their families informed us that they were frustrated by the lack of practical information on how to recognize and then manage PTS/TBI. The CVP felt the need to address those concerns. We undertook the mission to identify and categorize a variety of information related to PTS/TBI and present the data in a non-technical, non-clinical manners in video and easy-to-read checklists. We are grateful to the hundreds of veterans and their families who poured out their stories to us. Those people wanted others to learn from their difficult and sometimes impossible journeys.

For more than two years, CVP interviewed--the Subject Matter Experts--current and long-term sufferers of PTS/TBI and members of their family circle. Questions were posed such as, “If you knew then what you know now about PTS/TBI, what would you tell others who are beginning those same challenges today? What suggestions might veterans give to other veterans? What advice would veterans give their families?” Those 24-karat pieces of advice are located within the downloadable PDFs and videos.

We believe that sharing healthy best practices from people who have, "Been there done that. Try this instead..." is a force multiplier. 

Sharing What We've Learned

We are blessed that organizations large and small, parents, spouses, and veterans want to hear from us.

Guest Speaker/Agencies Trained

Naval Institute Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

State of California Keys Conference, Walnut Creek, CA 

Veterans Affairs Police Service, Livermore, Menlo Park, and
Palo Alto, CA

Presidio of Monterey Police Department, CA

Monterey County Sheriff's Office, CA

Orange County Sheriff's Department, CA

Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office, CA

Office of the District Attorney, Bureau of Investigation, 
Santa Clara County, CA

Campbell Police Department, CA

Gilroy Police Department, CA

Los Gatos Police Department, CA

Morgan Hill Police Department, CA

Mountain View Police Department, CA

Salinas Police Department, CA

San Francisco Police Department, CA

San Jose Police Department, CA

San Jose State University Police Department, CA

Santa Clara Police Department, CA

Santa Cruz Police Department, CA


63rd Regional Support Command, United States Army Reserve

Pleasanton Military Families Association

Santa Clara County Fire Chiefs' Association

Santa Clara County Office of the Public Defender

Santa Clara County Office of the District Attorney

Santa Clara County Veterans Court

Santa Clara County Office of Veterans Services

Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services

California Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Menlo Park, CA

Carson City Sheriff's Office, Carson City, NV

Rural Center for Independent Living, Carson City, NV

CarsonNow.org, Carson City, NV

Carson City Veterans Community Council, Carson City, NV

MCB-3 Reunion Group

Folks who went out of their way to be a Force Multiplier.


Anne Goldy, Senior Editor

Google Ad Grants program

Charilyn Damigo

Lynn Noren

Tom Walsh

Holly Walker

Paul and Deb Rowe

Chris and Sue Lambert

Brandon Cantrell

The incredible people at the Veterans Housing Facility,
San Jose, CA

Ross Chandler and Church (the sound guy),
CTA Productions, San Jose, CA

Rich Perkins, LT COL, USAF (Ret.), CEO
Attitude Aviation, Livermore, CA

Saint Clement's Episcopal Church,
Rancho Cordova, CA

Benjamin Deno

Frank K. McNaul


Jerry Parker

Derrick Winchell

Robert S. Semple

Iman Jameelah

Richard Esquibel, Jr.

Dore Fisher

Terry DeMarest

Ruben Babilla

Annette Hancock

Board of Directors

Jan Alleman

David Rauschhuber

Dave Walker

Advisory Board

Dennis Burns
Chief of Police
Palo Alto Police Department

David Carmichael
Chief of Police (Ret.)
Campbell Police Department

Winston Copeland
Rear Admiral (Ret.)
United States Navy

William C. Meeker, DC. MPH
Palmer College of Chiropractic, West Campus

Scott R. Seaman
Chief of Police (Ret.)
Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department

Kenneth L. Waldvogel
Fire Chief (Ret.)
Santa Clara County Fire Department