STEP ONE: make sure you are on the right track 

Click on the video to hear our co-founder Dave Walker walk you through the basics. From common sense ideas and good techniques for living to navigating the VA system.






Click here for a downloadable PDF.

STEP THREE: Watch veterans explain how they
adapted, improvised, and overcame


Family members will find this information useful. Check back with us now and then as we will rotate in and out new videos.


               "A normal reaction to an abnormal event."

                  "Why vets don't seek's called PTS!"

                           Vet-to-vet helpful suggestions

                    "You can't "suck it up and drive on" forever"

STEP FOUR: Ask for help from: Vet Centers, VA, healthy battle buddy, trusted friend, faith leader, counselor.

Why do all that hard work? 1). For yourself--you are worth it. 2). for your family--they are worth it. 3). perhaps to help others who are Lost--they need a friend like you.