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Beginning the PTS/TBI journey?
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Beginning the PTS/TBI journey?
Become a Force Multiplier.
Identify and offer assistance.
How To Heal
Identify PTS/TBI Early
Early Warning Signs of PTS/TBI is offered to help educate veterans and family members as to what PTS/TBI symptoms may look like in their world. Most often, family members and veterans are challenged to adequately describe symptoms and occurrences to their healthcare provider. It is suggested that users print these pages, circle the similarities in their situation, and then write down additional, unique experiences. Take the guide along with your notes to jump start your discussion towards a diagnosis and treatment plan.
“As parents of veterans, it is our responsibility to learn how they think. We need to change how we listen to and understand them so we will be able to effectively interact with them. —Tom, the Father of a Navy veteran”